三裕建筑 | 高浪星球办公空间

苏美尔人在美索不达米亚平原开拓灌溉网,成功利用两河湍急的流水与沉积的土地,创立了城邦与文明。时空转换,人类文明的迭代已从真实的自然世界跃于虚拟的科技网络,而“河谷文明”带来的启迪未曾被埋没。PINES ARCH三裕建筑最新完成的设计项目从中获取灵感,在流动与停顿、输送与沉淀中,为注重品质的国际化美妆集团「高浪控股」塑造全新办公环境。

Humans have settled near historic waterways since the earliest days of our existence. The Sumerians exploited the natural forces and sedimentary lands of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, creating an irrigation system that gave rise to an advanced, well-populated civilization that became the first literate society in history. Six millennia later, human civilization has moved into the virtual world, enabled by science and technology. In their latest project “rīpāria-Golong Offices”, PINES ARCH draws inspiration from one of the most emblematic origins of human society–the river valley civilizations; creating a new office environment for the quality-oriented International Beauty Group “Golong Holdings”.

「高浪控股」选址于杭州,从最初的品牌集成到如今的品牌孵化,企业借助科技的力量一路攀升蜕变,年轻的Z世代团队也对办公空间提出新的需求–灵活多元、自由独立、高效协同以及适用于扁平化管理机制。这些变化在PINES ARCH三裕建筑看来,预示着互联网时代下办公载体意义的转变:它不再是一个单纯的空间,更像是一个“文明”的更新场,理念、产品和价值在这里孕育共存,继而诠释属于企业自己的“文明”。

Headquartered in Hangzhou, “Golong Holdings” is a multi-national, multi-brand conglomerate in the online beauty industry. Gen Z-ers are the most populous group in Golong’s employee demographic, putting forward insightful demands for their new office space to fulfill their complex and compounded vocations in the digital sphere. In the opinion of PINES ARCH, these demands herald the evolving definition of the office space in the Internet Era: it needs to expand beyond the simple work-desk arrayment, and into a more holistic reinterpretation of “work” in our civilization. PINES ARCH’s design responds Golong’s horizontal management style, with flexible spaces to ensure efficient collaboration and encourage interaction. Ideas, products and values breed and coexist here, cultivating a new understanding of “civilization” unique to Golong’s core values.

流动的思想是创意之源,为了实现功能与情绪的交融,PINES ARCH三裕建筑在设计之初即引入“河谷”概念,以曲线元素作为轴心,引导新的空间秩序。原本单调的长条形布局被银色的“河流”装置打破,环境中刻板的柱网结构、方正的格子间悄然“消失”,留下开阔流畅的第一印象。接待、洽谈、茶歇、会议室、健身房、户外花园等功能区被安排在“河谷”的前端;开放与半开放工位、创始人办公室、电话间、内部会议厅相对后置,从空间层级上划分出公共与私密的双重属性。

A “River” is introduced as the main path of circulation, as well as a carrier for the flow of ideas and creativity. The curvature of the path guides the new spatial order. It breaks the rigid structural grid, visually dissipating the repetitive spatial divisions from the columns. The entrance opens into a light-filled reception space, and the journey on the “river” begins to take visitors past meeting rooms, a large lounge, open workstations and other functional programs on each side, signifying the creation of settlements on the riverbanks. The semi-private spaces such as the phonebooths and work-nooks are arranged on nodal pauses of the dynamic flow of the “river”. Functionally, the office is a self-governing city, equipped with diverse spaces for production and work, as well as a gym and an outdoor roof garden.


The objective of the renovation project is suspended between creating lightness and extrapolating the future. Corrugated glass is bent to create a series of curved screens resembling cascading ripples. Through the translucent glass screens, the reception area experiences changing light effects throughout the day, creating a sense of rejuvenation, an ever-going exploration in the beauty industry. The stainless steel-cladded lounge area is the central area for communication. Concept collides, diffuses and deposits, forming a “smart island”, which brings new vitality to the company.


It was a conscious design choice for PINES ARCH to preserve and highlight the original textures of the main materials: brushed stainless steel, terrazzo, corrugated glass, and concrete. A material palette made up of low saturation colors ceremonially simulates a lab-like environment. A balance between utilitarianism and aesthetics is achieved by keeping the materials in their honest states, free of ornamentation and superfluity. Natural colors in the phonebooth and meeting rooms are carefully chosen to add warmth to the space.

极端能创造奇迹,但无法守恒,只有在平衡中,事物的发展才得以长久。在本次项目中,PINES ARCH三裕建筑兼顾功能与形式,迎合当下的需求并预估未来变量,最终赋予办公空间一种相对持久的生命力,它更加开放、自由、智慧,在后信息社会的“河谷”中,随时迎接新的机遇和挑战。

Extremities can create abrupt miracles, only in balance can things endure. In “rīpāria-Golong Offices”, PINES ARCH aims to stay true to functionality, designing for current needs and the foreseeable future. By revisiting “river valley civilizations” as a design cue, the redefined office space is more open, free and human-centric, ready for new opportunities and challenges in the post-information society.










设计公司:PINES ARCH三裕建筑

设计总监:Evelyn Jingjie Wong、吴舒妮

设计团队:Evelyn Jingjie Wong、吴舒妮、宋佳雯、Yunji Chung






Project Information——

Project Name:rīpāria-Golong Offices

Project Location:Hangzhou

Client:Golong Holdings

Type:Office Space


Director:Evelyn Jingjie Wong,Shuni Wu

Design Team:Evelyn Jingjie Wong,Shuni Wu,Jiawen Song,Yunji Chung

Building Area:1600m²

Design Period:2020.05-2020.08

Construction Period:2020.09-2021.05

Photo Credits:Breeze Image-Guozhe

Main Materials:Acoustic Wall Panels / Jiangsu Burgeree New Technology Materials Co. LTD

Corrugated Glass / Hangzhou Jingdong Glass Co. LTD

Cast-in-Place Terrazzo / Zhejiang Gaoliang Co. LTD